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Statement regarding the death of Tarz Youngblood on Rikers Island

Taylor Garzone, Forensic Social Worker at New York County Defender Services, issued the following statement about the death of her former client on Rikers on Sunday:

“New York County Defender Services is deeply saddened to hear about the death of Tarz Youngblood this weekend. Mr. Youngblood was a father who struggled with homelessness and his death is a tragedy. In our prior representation of him, we found him to be a kind and well-intentioned man. Yet while on Rikers, he was unable to receive necessary medical treatment in a timely manner due to logistical ineptness, resulting in extreme pain and suffering. Mr. Youngblood's death is a devastating reminder that Rikers Island is a humanitarian disaster. The conditions there are unconscionable. The only path forward to end the death and misery on Rikers is federal receivership."

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